20. September 2017

Feel Good Fashion by C&A

It’s not about the size you wear but about how you wear your size This simple yet strong sentence I heard at the C&A event in […]
13. September 2017

body positivity: more than self-love

Body positivity here, body positivity there. Everyone is currently talking about this great movement. Finally. I’m so happy that it gets more and more attention. And.. […]
6. September 2017

in a plastic world (+ Give-away)

Du stehst an einer wunderschönen Brandung auf Mallorca und von weitem erkennst du, wie dir langsam ganz viele unterschiedliche aber fremde Plastikteile entgegen schwimmen. Die Buchten […]
3. September 2017

about skirts and fears

When I was in Mallorca, wearing a jeans skirt very confident, I thought about my youth and the fact, that I changed a lot when it […]
20. August 2017

Intuitive eating, stop dieting and enjoy eating again

intuitive eating isn’t that easy when you live in a society which constantly tells you h0w to achieve your goal body but all them methods nothing have […]
1. August 2017

intuitive eating and gaining weight: some thoughts

The past months I hardly ever talked about my nutrition because I know that someone who suffers from an eating disorder can get affected very easily […]
19. Juli 2017

body positivity and prejudices

Well, you might have seen on Instagram Stories that I was really very angry yesterday. You know me as a positive, radiant person who tries to […]
30. Juni 2017

BesserWasser Ambassador inkl. Giveaway

Wie einige von euch bestimmt mitbekommen haben, waren mein Schatz und ich ein Wochenende in Salzburg. Ich war vorher noch nie in dieser Stadt und habe […]
27. Juni 2017

How to deal with negativity

You know me as a very positive person, right? Well at the moment it’s hard to stay positive for me too when everything around me seems […]